
Showing posts from 2022


有速成法则吗? 有一夜致富吗? 有永远失败吗? 有永远永久吗? 别装了。我们都想快速成功,永远不败;一夜致富,永久脱贫。我也想! 但是,真的没有,还是我无知?比我成功的人还在努力奋斗,我也没有停。胜利是属于last man standing.

Even when you are tired, there is still time to do these things

In the year 2022, 1. What is the idea that you entertained the most in your mind? 2. What is the book you read that you like the most? 3. Who is the person you associate with most of the time? 4. What is the biggest risk you took? 5. What did you do to make yourself happy? You still have 26 days to change it or achieve it. All the best!

More getting cancer yearly

What can we do about it?

The longest distance between knowing it and doing it.

We never lack knowledge and information because there are 800 million videos and 37 million channels on YouTube. I am very sure you can find any answer on YouTube except those illegal topics. Therefore, what is the distance between knowing something and doing it? The length of the distance is measured by the amount of willingness. In short, how badly you want it. The distance does not change according to the amount of desire, but in perspective, it does feel shorter. We might be knowing too much and that knowledge might stop us from doing it. Knowledge becomes a burden in this context. But without knowledge, we are flying blindly into the unknown. The solution is to learn from others' experiences. That is a much smarter way to learn and remember to do it.

Back to the starting point

Today is 1st December 2022. About 12 months ago, it was a simple choice for me to make. Either to change again or just get comfortable. In the beginning, it is straight to the battlefield assignment. Time passes so fast and I can't remember all the details. But I do remember those moments when adrenaline pumps into your blood vessel, those are the moments that take my breath away. Although it has been 1 year has passed, this is just the beginning and I admit there are some rough edges in the program. But, I am very fortunate to have those whose who supported me initially. If I did not tag you in this post, please pardon me because there are more than 700 learners who supported the program. Once again, this program is a first of its kind for the industry and focuses on education and sharing experiences. In the end, is up to the learners who have the discipline to apply the knowledge. I must say thank you to those who provide us feedback on the program. At the time I am

Rich people act in spite of fear. Poor people let fear stop them

When I am travelling, I do carry a book with me all the time. I was flipping through some pages of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker and I saw this statement. Action is a bridge between the inner world and the outer world. It is important to think, but, it is equally important to act. Be it right or not so the right move. Without action, there is no improvement. Do you agree with me?

Learning does not need to be in the classroom

Learning can be anywhere. Once upon a time, a wise man told me, "when a student is ready, the teacher will appear". I did not understand the real meaning of this statement. But today, I have a new interpretation of this statement. There were some technical challenges in that I couldn't prepare the classroom to conduct a full day of training. In the end, we spend the whole day sitting in the pantry (next to the toilet), without an LCD projector or a proper classroom arrangement. This is the satisfied faces from the class. Sometimes, it is not about the song, it is about the singer. Sometimes, it is not about the movie, it is about the actor. Most of the time, it is about ourselves. I hope life does not throw me too many lemons, although I can make lemon juice. But when it does happen, I can only make more lemon juice.  

I bought a car from MyTukar

It has been almost 10 years since I didn't own a car and recently due to work requirements, I need to get a car. It was supposed to be an easy task but due to last month's buying rush for cars before government impose SST again, all the new orders will have a waiting period of a minimum of 3 months to 6 months.  Therefore, I decided to buy a used car. Finally, I got the chance to experience it as a consumer of the latest so-called using technology to enhance buying used car experiences from start-up companies such as Carsome or MyTukar.   Both platforms have their own pros and cons. However, I am going to jump straight to the end result and share with you my last moment with MyTukar in Puchong Headquarters to collect my car. I believe all these companies did a great job providing fresh new experiences to consumers buying a used car just like buying a new car. At least, the place where you "shop" for a car is a really nice and bright environment. If you compare it to a



RM1mil for needed for retirement

Actually, this number is subjective. But if you put in the inflation factor, it is not enough even for the B40 group. Do you agree?  

Working retirees, are we ready?

Are we ready for this? What is the real intention of retirees to continue to work? For survival or merely just passing the time?

Unemployment is bad enough, now we need to fight a job vacancy with...

Maybe this is a wake-up call for us? Who is just fresh in the market and looking for a job, your competition might not be your peer, but a person who has 30 years of working experience and holds that job position. For those who are going to retire, maybe you need to keep yourself up to date with the new trends and new ways of doing things. Either way, we are living in a very interesting world.


1万对某些人是1年的生活费,但是对某些人是一天的消费 .#jarodpost #剪报  

Do you really need a step counter?

Since when did we start to care so much about our health and start to do step counting? It was only popular with professional and hardcore runners and that type of watch is not cheap (now still expensive). Oh well, due to consumer technology advancement, it seems like everyone does have a smart tracker device with them. So, today, I want to try out something new and not so popular yet brand, Coros Pace 2. I do love this watch and please continue to watch if you want to know the reasons.




  今年的退休金是不是完了? #jarodpost #剪报 #退休计划

18 people declared bankrupt on a daily basis

  I believe at this moment, people are more concerned about natural disasters and inflation than those who will become bankrupt. Do you agree with me? #jarodpost #financialplanning


  其实我没有什么意见。只是觉得人民比较关心水灾和通膨罢了。#jarodpost #理财 #破产

Pinjaman, kad kredit 'talian hayat' generasi muda

  Kalau kita membelanja melebihi daripada pendapatan kita, maka kita hanya meminjam duit masa depan untuk keselesaan sekarang. Ada tindakan ini bijaksana?

I got the power!

I am pretty sure once in a while you will face this situation whereby you have too many chargers to carry for a trip. It depends on the number of gadgets you have. You will be very lucky if you are not in the Apple Ecosystem whereby you need to have another lightning cable for your iOS devices.  However, it does not matter whether you are an Android or Apple user, but when you have more than 2 devices with you, all problems are the same. You just need to find a very powerful yet safe charger to charge all the power-hungry devices, especially if you have an iPad that requires an 18W and above charger plus if you have a laptop. You will have at least or the most 2 chargers with you all the time. My god! I just wrote e a whole paragraph to describe how messy is this situation in the modern tech world. One of the chargers that I bought many years ago is this Xiaomi 6 port charger which can output 60W. The second charger I bought is from ZMI with 65W. All the above 2 charges are not able to

涨涨涨 - 好恐怖的涨价潮!


Oppo Reno6 Z - Why the Z?

This will be officially my 2nd smartphone testing using the MediaTek chipset. I tested Redmi Note 8 Pro many years ago before I started this channel, and my experience was pleasant. The chipset performs well under stress. However, I did not use it long enough because I could not root the smartphone easily like other Snapdragon chipsets. Please bear with me that I am not the technology expert here. I am merely a normal person who is passionate about consumer technology. Due to fate, I found this unit Oppo Reno6 5G in great condition. Here is my full YouTube video review on this unit.

What is the next most stable OS android smartphone?

My journey switching out from iOS started many years ago after Apple launched iPhone X. I feel the pain in my wallet on the high premium price of this device. I do love the iOS and the hardware quality. In fact, I was a hardcore Apple fan. However, I do feel the pain is necessary as one day, the iPhone will become so expensive that it is going to eat up a big chunk of your finance. True enough, after many years, today the base model of iPhone 13 costs RM3,899. I remember that when I was chasing the latest iPhone 5 onwards, the based model cost about RM2,000. Since then, I try my very best to get away from Apple Ecosystem and I did. I switched to Huawei and I was extremely happy with the software and the hardware performance. I was using Huawei Mate 20. Well, when you expect nothing will happen, definitely something will happen and it is not a good one. It is common knowledge that Huawei can no longer use Google Mobile System (GMS) in their new devices. It was very frustrating for me as

More than half of the population is uninsured

  I believe there should be 3 categories, which are insured, under-insured, and uninsured.

Do I customised my resume?

It does not matter whether you are in which stages of your career, fresh graduates, young executives or senior executives because, at some point in time, you might need to prepare a resume. Over the past 18 years, I experienced a few strategic career changes and I am going to share my experiences with you. 1. With or without a resume. What are the differences? First of all, some of the job applications do not require you to submit a resume, for example, Google or Facebook.  It is optional to submit a Cover Letter and a Resume for certain companies. You have required to fill up the form online and I assume someone will do a data collection and filter the right candidates for the next stage. The difference with or without a resume is that you can customise your resume as a marketing advertisement about yourself. It does not mean if you have a resume uploaded will 100% guarantee you an interview, but, when it does play an important role when you are selected and the interviewer needs a qu

Mahasiswa perlu bijak urus kewangan

  Bukan sahaja mahasiswa perlu bijak, tapi semua warga pun harus bijak supaya kita boleh pandai mengurus wang kita. Adakah anda bersetuju?



Retirement is a natural problem and will only become more serious

Although KWSP post another great year result in 2021, with all the withdrawal from all the i-series initiatives to support Malaysia's economy during the past 2 years' pandemic situation, can Malaysian manage to recover the gap?    


 老板们,您们还撑得住吗? 我们就来顶不住了。

3 Tips Sound Recording & Sound Testing for Behringer C1 and Audio Technica ATR2500x Condenser Microphone

Sound quality is one of the important factors in video creation or content creation. I am not an expert but I am trying my best to learn and record good sound in my video. I did purchase a few types of microphones to test them in different environments and different machines.  As you can see that in order to record a good sound quality, there are basically 3 main factors that we need to focus on. 1. Input Basically is your microphone and the recording device. You can use an external microphone and plug it into your desktop/laptop/audio interface/smartphone to do the recording. Thus, if you use a cheap microphone and plug it into a high-end audio interface, I don't think it will work and vice versa. Especially when we use USB powered microphone or wireless microphone with a 2.4 GHz frequency, we might get some electronic buzz recorded. This can be easily solved with money. As long as you have the budget, you can find a value for money microphone that suits your needs. 2. Environment

A Weighty Problem

  Is it a natural problem (a problem that can not be solved) or we can do something about it such as eating enough rather than overeating?

Jumlah pesakit buah pinggan meningkat

  Pada zaman abad ke-21, mengapa kita masih lagi mengalami masalah kesihatan? Ada insurans kad perubatan merupakan salah satu penyelesaian atau satu beban kewangan kita?

Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires by Adam Khoo

This is a very interesting book by Adam Khoo published in 2009. Today is 2022. After 12 years (one economic cycle), the principle of financial management did not change. Only the methods changed according to the social-economic development. In actual fact, Adam Khoo use this method 12 years ago and it still holds up. He talked about making multiple streams of income and he talk about the internet and digital economy. He leverages the internet to scale up his capability to make more money. If you are interested in the book, you can purchase it from me at an extremely low price or you can buy it from any online bookstore. I will share with you the link at the end. Here are a few key takeaways from me and I would like to share them with you. Takeaway 1: Money is a game, do you know the rules to achieve your financial goal? We all want more money. But what does money really means? What are the rules? Invest like crazy? Or Save like crazy? Takeaway 2: Delay gratification is an urban legend

Dividen Simpan SSPN 3%

Dividen Simpan SSPN 3%. Pada zaman sekarang, di mana lagi boleh dapat pulangan pelaburan setinggi 3 peratus? Hebat SSPN!

Preparing for the golden years

Are we ready? (I think we asked this question more than a few times) #jarodpost #retirement #financialplanning --- I like to read the newspaper and keep the newspaper cutting for keeping. If you like my sharing, please follow, like and share! My target is to reach 1,000 friends and followers.

Lead Generation Before and After Social Media Era

If I want to pick a year to start this topic, I think the year 2005 is just a nice number. Most of the social media platform that survives until the today year 2022 was established around the year 2005. However, the internet was born 20 years before social media. In my country, I remember in the year 2005 I was still using 56k dial-up modem to access the internet and the most used social chat application was ICQ or MSN Messenger. Let's start with the time before social media and people go online because of browsing the internet. If you remember that was the era where bubble burst too. Everything is so virtual and so unreal. The way to harness or generate leads is through email collection. That was the era of email marketing. Once the person collected the email addresses, then the person can start to start sending emails & newsletters to the potential customers. In my opinion, the 1st version of social media marketing was actually blogging. There are a group of people wh



RM25k for a maid

RM25k for a maid. That is an amount that is almost equal to a downpayment to buy a house, condo, apartment, or some high-end car WITHOUT any credit facility. It means you are paying in hard cold cash! It is too much to ask for a middle man?

Government Deals With High Chicken Prices

  Do you want to let the government control your financial matters or do you want to control the plan? #jarodpost #financialplanning #newspapercutting

A resume is a masterpiece of yourself

Maybe you are like me or maybe you are not, but I am sure the majority of us will work as an employee at the beginning of our careers. I started my career as a factory worker peeling Orion skin. For that particular job, I do not need to submit my resume and furthermore, I was only 15 years old. I successfully being employed as a Training Executive and that resume was as plain as a piece of A4 papers. Fast forward, I am still working as an employee for the past 18 years and I enriched my career experiences with a few major multinational companies.  Even though I was headhunted for most of the career opportunities, I will put effort to update and customized my resume for the Hiring Manager. As I mentioned in the title, a resume is a masterpiece of myself and I need to customise it to impress the Hiring Manager that I am the right fit for the job and the company culture. Since the pandemic strike us more than 2 years ago, some of us are blessed because we are still able to put food on the

Obesity is a problem in schools

In my opinion, children are not supposed to be obese... maybe I am wrong to think in such a way?  



Increase your engagement rate using #throwback or Memories

If you facing a low engagement rate on your social media account, you need to finish reading this. Once upon a time, when we have social media and people just start posting everything. From short text Twitter to check-in location Foursquare. Then come Facebook with photos, video, text, poll, everything. Finally, Instagram. It become quiet for a while when Snapchat came with many colour filters and finally is TikTok. Sooner or later, the platform (user) will run out of content to post and the next step is "To Share". But that does not create extra engagement to your own content. The solution is to use #throwback The origin of #throwback is actually #ThrowbackThursday which in the short form now #tbt You can read more about it on  VOX . When you are running on a tight schedule (for your personal life) but you still want to constantly post on your social media account to gain followers and engagement rate, one of the free and smart ways is to use throwback and the Memories from

Do you really need Cloud Storage vs Local Storage or Hybrid Storage?

Well, you took videos, photos, never clear WhatsApp messages for the past...1 year? Your smartphone is running out of storage because there are thousands of photos and videos. There are a few solutions for you. No. 1 is that you upgrade to higher storage smartphone. At the moment, iPhone does offer 1TB storage and Samsung also offer the highest 512GB of internal storage too. All the best if you still have any kidneys left to sell.  No. 2 is to purchase cloud storage. iCloud from Apple does offer 50GB, 500GB and 2TB. But still, you need to make sure you still have enough storage on the cloud and in your smartphone. 50GB cloud storage including all your mobile application data. If you have 5GB of WhatsApp message history, then it will reduce your cloud storage.  No. 3 is alternative local storage or hybrid storage. You can purchase local storage and plug it into your home wifi network. With a few simple configurations, you can create your own "backup" solution and backup everyt

How to start create content?

A Content creator is one of the hot jobs or most wanted careers for the new generation. When compared to my time, the most common career when asked by the teacher is doctor, lawyer, teacher, businessman. Here is a simple 3 steps to start your content creation journey. 1. Find out what is your interest a.k.a hobby a.k.a passion? Content creation is one of the extreme brain drain processes (for me). If you do not have any obvious interest, hobby or passion; this will be even more difficult. Creativity juice flows the best when we are in a relaxed and happy mood. By forcing it, it will not work so well. Just do what you like to do and be happy about it (and earn some passive income) 2. Find the same people on social media platforms whether is on Facebook, Instagram, YoutTube or even the latest and greatest TikTok and observe their best practice. Luckily, there are pioneers in this area. We do not need to re-invent the wheel and start again. Content creation format is something that will c

Ugreen X6 ANC Wireless Bud - Affordable and good earphone

Thanks to Apple removing the 3.5mm headphone jack on the smartphone, iPhone 7 plus and above, most of the smartphones do not have a built-in 3.5mm jack anymore. Fro that domino effect, there is a surge of wireless earphone demand and supply in the market. In actual fact, those companies that are not originally earphone suppliers did put a foot into this market and start producing accessories around the smartphones. One of the companies is Ugreen.  I bought a Ugreen X6 ANC Wireless Bud below market price and test out for review. At the moment I am preparing this content, I have been using it for months and I am pretty happy with it in terms of the price point, battery life and sound quality. Please watch this video to know more. If you like the content that I am creating, please remember to follow, subscribe or like my channel and I look forward to see you soon.

I passed my Registered Financial Planner examination

It was 1 year ago while we are still lockdown at home due to Covid 19 pandemic and I decided to complete my journey as a financial planner. I would like to provide you with some background that Registered Financial Planner is not equal to Certified Financial Planner. Certified Financial Planner is from Financial Planning Association Malaysia (FPAM) and this is the link to explain to you the path to become a Certified Financial Planner ( Link ) However, Registered Financial Planner is from Malaysian Financial Planning Council (MFPC) and this is the link to explain to you the path to become a Certified Financial Planner ( Link ) Both certifications will go through the same modules and I have no comment on the content until I personally go through it. If you have any experiences for both certifications, please do share with me your experiences. I passed Module 1 and Module 2 when I was a trainer many years ago. I am also certified as Trainer for Module 1 and Module 2. That was the time wh