User experiences is a common sense with a heart

Recently, I have been slightly interested in product packaging. Yes, the box, the wrapping, the visual design and everything in a product packaging. Maybe due to the fact that I watch hours of open-box videos that contribute to my sharp eyes on product packaging. Or maybe because of the fact that after I watch this video from DoDoMen and I am overwhelmed by the fact that there are so much information and hard work behind one product packaging. Well, when I was doing my weekly grocery shopping and this product shelf management just caught my attention. I can talk about this picture from 3 different perspectives. First, if you are a consumer and wanted to buy pancakes or waffles, which product really catch your eyeball [literally translate from mandarin]? Obviously is the brand Creapan, right? Why? Because the products are arranged horizon according to your reading habit, which is from left to right. Even the top side of the box is printed with such a big word - PANCAKES. Whereby f...