It does not matter whether you are in which stages of your career, fresh graduates, young executives or senior executives because, at some point in time, you might need to prepare a resume. Over the past 18 years, I experienced a few strategic career changes and I am going to share my experiences with you. 1. With or without a resume. What are the differences? First of all, some of the job applications do not require you to submit a resume, for example, Google or Facebook. It is optional to submit a Cover Letter and a Resume for certain companies. You have required to fill up the form online and I assume someone will do a data collection and filter the right candidates for the next stage. The difference with or without a resume is that you can customise your resume as a marketing advertisement about yourself. It does not mean if you have a resume uploaded will 100% guarantee you an interview, but, when it does play an important role when you are selected and the interviewer needs a qu