
Showing posts from April, 2022

More than half of the population is uninsured

  I believe there should be 3 categories, which are insured, under-insured, and uninsured.

Do I customised my resume?

It does not matter whether you are in which stages of your career, fresh graduates, young executives or senior executives because, at some point in time, you might need to prepare a resume. Over the past 18 years, I experienced a few strategic career changes and I am going to share my experiences with you. 1. With or without a resume. What are the differences? First of all, some of the job applications do not require you to submit a resume, for example, Google or Facebook.  It is optional to submit a Cover Letter and a Resume for certain companies. You have required to fill up the form online and I assume someone will do a data collection and filter the right candidates for the next stage. The difference with or without a resume is that you can customise your resume as a marketing advertisement about yourself. It does not mean if you have a resume uploaded will 100% guarantee you an interview, but, when it does play an important role when you are selected and the interviewer needs a qu

Mahasiswa perlu bijak urus kewangan

  Bukan sahaja mahasiswa perlu bijak, tapi semua warga pun harus bijak supaya kita boleh pandai mengurus wang kita. Adakah anda bersetuju?



Retirement is a natural problem and will only become more serious

Although KWSP post another great year result in 2021, with all the withdrawal from all the i-series initiatives to support Malaysia's economy during the past 2 years' pandemic situation, can Malaysian manage to recover the gap?    


 老板们,您们还撑得住吗? 我们就来顶不住了。