Back to the starting point
Today is 1st December 2022. About 12 months ago, it was a simple choice for me to make. Either to change again or just get comfortable.
In the beginning, it is straight to the battlefield assignment. Time passes so fast and I can't remember all the details. But I do remember those moments when adrenaline pumps into your blood vessel, those are the moments that take my breath away.
Although it has been 1 year has passed, this is just the beginning and I admit there are some rough edges in the program. But, I am very fortunate to have those whose who supported me initially. If I did not tag you in this post, please pardon me because there are more than 700 learners who supported the program. Once again, this program is a first of its kind for the industry and focuses on education and sharing experiences. In the end, is up to the learners who have the discipline to apply the knowledge.
I must say thank you to those who provide us feedback on the program. At the time I am writing this, I am enhancing the program according to your feedback. The design concept for this program is practical by default, fun by design, and customised for you.
I look forward to meeting you again on this wonderful journey to discover the magic of social media marketing.

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