How to start create content?

A Content creator is one of the hot jobs or most wanted careers for the new generation. When compared to my time, the most common career when asked by the teacher is doctor, lawyer, teacher, businessman. Here is a simple 3 steps to start your content creation journey.

1. Find out what is your interest a.k.a hobby a.k.a passion?
Content creation is one of the extreme brain drain processes (for me). If you do not have any obvious interest, hobby or passion; this will be even more difficult. Creativity juice flows the best when we are in a relaxed and happy mood. By forcing it, it will not work so well. Just do what you like to do and be happy about it (and earn some passive income)

2. Find the same people on social media platforms whether is on Facebook, Instagram, YoutTube or even the latest and greatest TikTok and observe their best practice.
Luckily, there are pioneers in this area. We do not need to re-invent the wheel and start again. Content creation format is something that will change from time to time based on society interests. Once upon a time, it was picture format, then more on the video and now is a short video. Who knows what will be in the future. But one element that did not change is the content. The spirit of the content is you and your interest. So, find someone who shares the same interest as you and learns from the best. I am pretty sure when you become one of the best, they will follow you too!

3. Start creating using your own style.
Every master once a student. Please do not be afraid of making mistakes (actually, there is no mistake, only learning experiences). Just do it! I admit this part takes lots of guts. As Master Yoda said, I can only show you the way, you need to open the door by yourself. So start creating and have fun about it.

I love technology and marketing. If you like the content I am creating, please remember to follow me so that you will get notified of my next post. See you next time!


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