I am a half certified(registered) Financial Planner, yet

Few months of effort (serious, part-time study for working adults is as tough or more thought compare to teenagers) and commitment to study a few hours every day requires strong will with some craziness. 

However, thank you to all the support from people around me, I manage to do it. This is not the end as I continue the lifelong learning journey.

Why choose Register Financial Planner (MPFC)?

I started my career in this industry 19 years ago and today I want to borrow a quote from Jack Ma that said "...when you reach 40, no more confusion and do what you do best.." I am not the best in the industry, but with the number of experiences from the front line to the back office, I believe this will be the area I will continue to explore.

Anyway, I still need to wait for my final exam result, which includes a project paper marked by the examiner. The result will be announced in September. So, I will tentatively call myself an unofficially certified Register Financial Planner :P

p/s: I passed the exam


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